Here in south Georgia we have either clay based soil or in most cases sand based. In both cases you will achieve much better growth results with your new plants if you amend the soil by adding organic material. The planting mix offered here at EbenezerRose is a product produced by Longwood Plantation, a local company with a heralded reputation. The owner of the company prides himself in the science of soil composition and the necessary micro-organisms that bring the soil to life.
Adding organics to your soil produces many benefits:
– increased moisture retention
The mix includes at least the following:
-Composted pine bark mulch
-Composted cotton seed
-Granite dust
-Peat humus (derived from his own pond)
This mix can be used in many different ways:
-I use it in all my nursery pots, I plant every thing in it
-in your planting hole
-to make a raised bed
You can purchase it by the cubic foot in a bag or by the yard in the back of a pick up. I have had great results sense I started using this product and have had a lot of excellent feedback from others that have now used it.