Cold, cold, cold!!! For some reason that is foremost on my mind. Dealing with it personally and now professionally. Luckily I was finally able to get around to putting up greenhouse #2, finished it just before that last cold snap that also hit Savannah and plunged most of us into the teens.
The cold can mean trouble for our roses, some bushes can be more susceptible than others. Newly planted young plants could get hit the worst. Cane damage after a hard freeze will some times show up right away by the cane(s) turning black. If this is the case the best thing to do is to cut the infected canes all the way back even with the bud union. Sometimes the damage won’t show up till you’re pruning back for the spring. If the canes is discolored where you cut then keep cutting back further till you get to clean white stalk. Again you may have to cut it all the way back. New growth and spring bloom will have you thinking all is well. Might not be the case, some times cane die back or plant death will rear it’s ugly head in early summer. Not a whole lot we can do, with really warm temps late into the year followed by b